币圈信息网 币圈新闻 全面对比MasdfskerDAO与POFIDDAO 【SERO幻影社区】

全面对比MasdfskerDAO与POFIDDAO 【SERO幻影社区】

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DAO 全称 Decentralized Autonomous Organization,表示为去中心化的自治组织。DeFi 全称 Decentralized Finance,表示为去中心化金融。

MakerDAO 即是属于DAO 项目,同时也是 DeFi 项目的代表之一。MakerDAO 是建立在以太坊上的去中心化的衍生金融体系,定位为是以太坊上自动化抵押贷款平台,同时也是稳定币 Dai 的提供者,MakerDAO于2017年12月主网上线。目前,MakerDAO是数字货币DeFi市场份额最大的领跑者。

POFID全称Privacy-Oriented Financial Instrument Distribution Framework & DAO,POFID定位为一个基于区块链技术的,提供去中心化地治理链上资产的工具。关于POFID的来历,根据现有的信息是一支欧洲的极客组织,正在寻找一种能够通过把一些现实资产上链托管,并以这些资产为背书,发行一种更易于流通的数字资产,用于国际贸易中民间支付和结算。在此之前,他们考量了MakerDAO,但是发现MakerDAO的设计初衷仅是支持以太坊和一些ERC20标准的Token数字资产为背书,并且DAI的稳定机制存在一些漏洞,更重要的是他们希望有一种支持隐私支付的资产,因此最终放弃了使用MakerDAO的架构,决定自己研发。随后他们在全球寻觅,最终发掘了SERO这条公链,并基于这条被称为隐私以太坊的公链开发了POFID。















MakerDAO采用了双币模式,一种为稳定币 Dai,另一种为权益代币和管理型代币 MKR。通过双币机制,MakerDAO使得整个去中心化的质押贷款体系得以运转。

在用户赎回抵押的以太坊时,需要支付 MKR 作为稳定费,这种情况下MKR 会被销毁。随着使用Dai的人越来越多,稳定费也会越来越多,销毁的MKR也就越来越多,MKR也就越来越值钱。从这个意义上讲,可以把MKR看作一个通缩体系,MKR的持有者可以从Dai的广泛使用中获取收益。

有一种情况会导致系统增发 MKR:如果抵押物价格短时间内暴跌,下跌至清算比例之下,抵押资产无法支撑 Dai的流通量时,系统将会没收资产并进行拍卖,以偿还之前借出的 Dai(对于系统而言,每发行一枚 Dai就意味着负债一枚 Dai)。于是系统开始增发 MKR ,并售卖 MKR 购买 Dai。而后,系统以公开竞卖的方式出售抵押资产,并用筹集的 Dai用于回购和销毁 MKR。


暴跌行情下,首先,Dai背后的抵押是超额抵押,这意味着你抵押100美元的 ETH 可能只能拿到价值 60美元的 Dai ,这中间就形成了一个缓冲垫。系统规定在 ETH 跌到80美元时,得抵押更多的 ETH 或者进行清算,清算的话抵押者还需要交一笔罚款,这笔罚款会返还到PETH池内,销毁PETH。如果跌破60美元呢,这可能引发全局清算,抵押债仓的操作和创建将被禁止,Dai和 CDP 的持有者将会得到可兑换的资产净值。

总体来说MakerDAO还是一个健康的质押借贷市场。但是,2020 年 3 月 12 日,由于 COVID-2019 的全球爆发,引发了加密货币市场的一系列黑天鹅事件,整个市场全线崩溃。

MakerDAO 作为如今 DeFi 生态的核心项目之一,在极端的市场行情下出了这起严重事故,造成了 400 万美元的系统债务,在不得已的情况下,系统启动了债务拍卖,将释放 MKR 代币进行拍卖,以弥补整个系统的债务损失,而这些损失,需要全体 MKR 的持币者承担。

根据墨菲定律,当一个灾难具备理论上发生的可能性时,无论其概率有多小,最终都是有可能发生的,MakerDAO 在清算机制上的设计过于简单,过于依赖链上操作,最终造成了这次的债务危机。



为了保障AOC的稳定性,从初始质押率到清算率之间同样提供了一个安全垫,要求Banker(MakerDAO中称之为Keeper)增加质押资产。但到达清算率后,拍卖的方式是招拍对DMW的控制权 – 出价者以补充DMW达到初始保证金率的方式获得对全部DMW的控制权(premium bid)。在今后任何DMW升值对他有利的时候,他可以用恒定不变的价格买断DMW,形成巨大的无风险利润。


如果竞卖机制仍然无法获得报价,那么被标记为由POFID DAO的清算机构(SLC 清算治理委员会)可处置的DMW资产,SLC将根据DMW设置的保底机制进行处置,所以SLC标记对于AOC的价值稳定性有着最后一重保障。SLC将会出售POFID平台币来换取AOC到POFID平台销毁,并换出DMW中的资产,确保市场上流通的所有的AOC仍然能够保持在清算率之上的资产质押率保障。









Q1: Can you quickly explain what are the MakerDAO and POFID stand for?


A:MakerDAO is a decentralized derivative financial system built on Ethereum blockchain. It is positioned as an automated lending platform on Ethereum blockchain and is also an issuer of Dai stablecoin.

MakerDAO是建立在以太坊区块链上的分布式衍生金融系统,它被定位为是以太坊区块链上的一个自动借贷平台,同时也是Dai 稳定币的发行方。

POFID stands for Privacy-Oriented Financial Instrument Distribution Framework. It is positioned as a SERO blockchain-based tool that provides decentralized on-chain governance of assets, and a DeFi platform with stablecoin issuance function.


Q2: What is the difference between Maker Dao and POFID’s technology?


A:MakerDAO and POFID use different standards to describe pledge assets, also called collateral. At present, MakerDAO supports four assets as collateral, including: ETH, BAT, WBTC, USDC; as we can see, the ETH and the remaining three are ERC20 tokens issued on Ethereum blockchain, ERC20 means only one token can be used to describe an asset. In reality, any assets from gold to in-game valuables/property/assets can be used in smart contracts, that means ERC20 standard is not enough for heterogeneous assets (with different structure).


In fact, we have been looking forward to MakerDAO supporting other assets as collateral, such as gold or other assets with comparatively low volatility, as it was mentioned before. However, from a technical point of view, MakerDAO does not yet support NFT assets (heterogeneous assets) defined by ERC721 standard or other standards like ERC1155 and ERC998.


The SERO public chain supports two asset standards named Ticket and Package. Tickets can be understood as anonymous ERC721, the corresponding contract account and its assets are not available to anyone, but it can still be observed that the contract owns this Ticket asset.


Package, on the other hand, supports any placement and combination of Ticket assets. And because Package can be a combination of any assets, so contract account with Package does not disclose any asset information in the contract. That means Package can support any kind of NFT assets (heterogeneous assets), such as fiat money (any fiat currencies), cryptocurrencies, gold, ETF, indexes, stocks, bonds, etc.


POFID is way ahead of the MakerDAO in number of supported assets, which also means that POFID, in practice, can meet more requirements and have way more application scenarios than MakerDAO.


Q3:What about the stability of MakerDAO and POFID?


A:MakerDAO and POFID have different stability guarantee and liquidation mechanisms.MakerDAO adopts a dual-currency model, one is the stablecoin Dai, and the other is the equity token and management token MKR (dual-currency mechanism)

MakerDAO和POFID有不同的稳定保障和清算机制,MakerDAO采用双币模式,一种是stablecoin Dai,另一种是股票代币和管理代币MKR(双货币机制)

When users redeem the loaned ETH, they need to pay MKR as a stabilization fee, in which case MKR will be destroyed. As more and more people use DAI, there are more and more stabilization fees, more and more MKRs are destroyed, and MKRs become more and more valuable. In this sense, MKR can be viewed as a deflationary system, and the holders of MKR can benefit from the widespread use of DAI.


If the collateral price plunges within a short period of time and falls below the liquidation ratio, the loaned assets cannot support Dai ’s liquidity, the system will liquidate the asset and conduct an auction to repay the previously lent Dai (for the system, every Dai issued means a Dai in debt). So the system began to issue additional MKR, and sell MKR to buy Dai. Then, the system sells the loaned assets through a public auction, and uses the raised Dai to repurchase and burn MKR.


Under the unavoidable circumstances, the system launches a debt auction, which will release MKR tokens for auction to make up for the debt losses of the entire system, and these losses need to be borne by all MKR holders. Usually it works quite well, but the system is not that secure in case when the market plunges, like it happened on March 12, 2020, that resulted 4 million USD loss to MKR holders.


POFID has more advanced system price stability mechanism,when the asset depreciation and pledge rate reach the liquidation ratio (DAI in MakerDAO, while POFID supports lending of different general assets called AOC), the auction mechanism for the pledged assets in the DMW (called CDP in MakerDAO) is not adopted by using the loaned assets. Instead, they bid on a first-come, first-served basis to obtain ownership of assets in the DMW.


In order to ensure the stability of AOC, a security pad is also provided from the initial pledge rate to the liquidation rate, requiring Banker (called Keeper in MakerDAO) to increase the pledge assets. However, after reaching the liquidation rate, the auction method is to bid for control of the DMW-the bidder obtains control of the entire DMW by supplementing the DMW to reach the initial margin rate (premium bid). In the future when any DMW appreciation is beneficial to him, he can buy out the DMW at a constant price and form a huge risk-free profit.


In this mechanism, the contract will calculate the actual asset allocation quota of the DMW. In the end, the asset obtained by the winner who completed the exercise auction is equivalent to the return value of the asset redemption when he immediately repaid the AOC and his total investment (exercise auction bid plus the repaid AOC). For a user who completes the exercise auction, it is equivalent to obtaining a future option for this DMW asset. The auction bid is actually a competitive acquisition of control options for all DMWs, and with extremely high control of the risks and high return, it provides a competitive guarantee for the stability of AOC.


If the bidding mechanism is still unable to obtain an offer, it is marked by the POFID DAO\’s clearing organization (SLC Clearing and Governance Committee) as disposable DMW assets. The SLC will be handled according to the minimum guarantee mechanism set by the DMW, so the SLC mark has the final guarantee for the value stability of the AOC. SLC will sell the POFID platform token in exchange for AOC to be destroyed on the POFID platform, and swap out the assets in the DMW to ensure that all AOCs circulating in the market can still maintain the asset pledge rate guarantee above the liquidation rate.

如果投标机制仍然无法获得报价,则由POFID DAO的清算组织(SLC清算和治理委员会)标记为可处置的DMW资产。SLC将按照DMW设定的最低保障机制进行处理,因此SLC标志是AOC价值稳定性的最终保证。SLC将出售POFID平台代币,换取在POFID平台上销毁的AOC,并调出DMW中的资产,以确保市场上流通的所有AOC仍能维持高于清算率的资产质押率保证。

Q4:Which system has better anonymity and privacy protection?


A:As MakerDao is a lending platform, imagine a business case, when a bullish user pledges ETH on MakerDAO, lends 10,000 DAI, and then goes to an exchange to buy more ETH; he needs to pass KYC process. Since ETH currently does not support anonymous transactions, it is easy for the exchange to know that the user ’s DAI comes from his pledge on MakerDAO, and it can even analyze the amount of ETH he pledged at the time and how much DAI he lent. We cannot be sure that the privacy of the user\’s personal assets has not been compromised.

由于MakerDao是一个借贷平台,想象一个商业案例,当一个看涨的用户在MakerDao上认捐ETH,贷款10000 DAI,然后去交易所购买更多ETH;他需要通过KYC流程。由于ETH目前不支持匿名交易,交易所很容易知道用户的DAI来自他在MakerDAO上的承诺,甚至可以分析他当时承诺的ETH金额和他借给DAI的金额。我们不能确定用户的个人资产的隐私没有受到损害。

Due to the non-anonymity of Ethereum blockchain, especially even if Ethereum realizes the anonymity of ETH and other ERC20 asset transfers through contracts or sidechains, there is still no indication that Ethereum will support the anonymity of heterogeneous data such as ERC721 in smart contracts. In that case, MakerDAO may not be able to pass this level to meet the needs of various business scenarios, because everyone will have to take the risk of completely compromising the privacy of their personal assets when taking a loan from the chain.


POFID supports full privacy and anonymity as it is based on SERO blockchain. From the perspective of privacy protection of account assets and contract assets, SERO is almost perfect, and from the perspective of privacy security, the zero-knowledge proof technology used by SERO is more reliable than MimbleWimble, ring signatures, or other mixing currency technologies. Accounts, the assets in the account, transactions and payments in the POFID system cannot be queried or tracked through the block browser or other public means, only having the account private key or the query key let to obtain account asset information


Q5、Does POFID have any MVP (minimum viable product)?


A:Yes, the Novac DApp can be used now, and soon our website will be working full-capacity. We are also finishing our commercial products for the clients.

是的,Novac DApp现在可以使用了,很快我们的网站将满负荷工作。我们也正在为客户完善我们的商业产品。

Q6、What products will POFID deliver to its clients?


As of now, our technical team is very close to delivering an innovative commercial application, in which retail consumers will use POFID issued stablecoins for payment. The first use case will be SERO coin based stablecoin, which will be used by a decentralized mall. The same stablecoin will also be used on another SERO based DeFi – Coral DEX, as payment settlement. Later on, as we develop our product, we can integrate it with more organizations which require money transfers/payments, e.g. fintech companies moving to blockchain-based solutions or investment funds digitalizing their assets.

到目前为止,我们的技术团队已经非常接近于提供一个创新的商业应用程序,其中零售消费者将使用POFID发行的稳定币进行支付。第一个用例将是基于SERO-coin的稳定币,它将被一个分散的购物中心使用。同样的stablecon也将用于另一种基于SERO的DeFi-Coral DEX,作为支付结算。之后,随着我们开发产品,我们可以将其与更多需要资金转移/支付的组织整合,例如金融科技公司转向基于区块链的解决方案或投资基金将其资产数字化。

Q7、Can already get loans against their SERO collateral?


A:let\’s be very clear about the \”loan\” thing. as of now, anyone can pledge something on pofid (via Novac dapp), and issue AOC. as i said many times before, this AOC really is an I-owe-You, it is not really a stablecoin. the issuer must be able to sell this I-owe-You to get USDT, or fiat money, to complete the action of borrowing. if there\’s no buyer of these I-owe-You\’s, that means there\’s no payment use case for the stablecoins that are issued. make very sure you understand that. this is just in real life – you want to collateralize something to borrow, but that doesn\’t mean people are willing to lend.

让我们把“贷款”的事情弄清楚。到目前为止,任何人都可以在pofid(通过Novac dapp)上抵押一些东西,并发行AOC。正如我之前说过的很多次,这个AOC真的是我欠你的,它不是一个真正的稳定。发行人必须能够出售这个I-owe-You获得美元,或法定货币,以完成借款的行动。如果没有买家购买这些I-owe-You,这意味着所发行的稳定币没有支付用例。一定要明白。这只是在现实生活中——你想为借来的东西提供担保,但这并不意味着人们愿意贷款。

Q8、Speaking about privacy, will the AOC be made available to public? so they can see what AOCs are being issued, and then the buyer can trade their USDT for those AOCs?


A:The same wallet that deposits the collateral will receive the AOC, and the total issued balance can be read via a standard contract browser.


Q9、Suppose you issued an AOC by collateralizing your SERO and want USDT, and now I and other prospect buyers who wants to buy your AOC, will we be able to see the list of all AOCs being issued so we can choose whom to trade with?


A:Yes, Novac will identify different AOC\’s if they are backed by different collaterals, because there are separate DMWs holding different collateral. We will provide a tool to query assets issued under the POFID contract. It may also be integrated into NovAC. Currently, it is not directly visible in the browser, I think we will keep it that way.





本文来源:SERO幻影社区原文标题:全面对比MakerDAO与POFIDDAO 【SERO幻影社区】


作者: bqxxw
