币圈信息网 币圈新闻 DeFi信用合作社XendFinasdfsnce如何收获众多明星投资机构青睐


2021年2月16日晚8点,BlockArk分析师Jimmi对话Xend Finance创始人Ugo

2021年2月16日晚8点,BlockArk分析师Jimmi对话Xend Finance创始人Ugoaronu,在Uniswap中文社区进行了“DeFi信用合作社 Xend Finance,如何收获众多明星投资机构青睐”的主题AMA活动,本次直播活动由区块方舟BlockArk支持,链闻ChainNews、星球日报Odaily、区块律动BlockBeats、加密阁媒体支持,直播分享内容整理如下:


在活动开始前容我先简单介绍下BlockArk。BlockArk是一家加密资产行业的投资银行与市场营销机构,旗下管理专注加密货币一二级基金ArkStream Capital。BlockArk集投资、品牌、市场增长、战略咨询为一体,致力于推动Web3.0的独角兽们成长。

今天AMA的主题是“DeFi 信用合作社Xend Finance,如何收获众多明星投资机构青睐”,嘉宾是Xend Fiance的CEO Ugo Aronu。

今天的AMA活动分为两个阶段,第一个阶段为主题问答,我会提出7个提前准备好的问题,以一问一答的形式进行。7个问题结束后,会进入第二个阶段,自由问答。群友可以对嘉宾自由提问,嘉宾自由选择其中3-5个问题进行回答。被选中问题的小伙伴,将会共同瓜分价值30U的XEND token奖励。


Ugoaronu:Hello Everyone. I am happy to be here. Hope you are all doing great.


Jimmi:Ugoaronu, please briefly introduce Xend Finance before starting

Ugoaronu,在开始之前请先简单介绍一下Xend Finance吧

Ugoaronu:Xend Finance is a De-Fi platform for cooperatives and credit unions that provides multi-levels of interest by optimizing and aggregating different De-Fi lending protocols with the aim of providing high stable currency yields and token rewards to the financially underserved living in unstable economies.


Jimmi:Thanks to Ugoaronu\’s introduction, Let\’s start.


Jimmi:The first question. Lending platforms and revenue aggregators are an important part of the DeFi track. Yearn.finance on Ethereum has already made certain achievements. What is your vision for choosing such a track and your original intention for creating Xend?

第一个问题,借贷平台和收益聚合器是DeFi崛起的重要部分,以太坊上的Yearn.finance 已经做出了一定的成绩, 请问你们选择这样的一个赛道的愿景和您创造Xend这个项目的初衷是什么?

Ugoaronu:Xend Finance was formed from the need to protect the value of the savings and contributions of individuals who use Fiat currencies from devaluations as a result of unstable economies.

Xend Finance成立的目的是为了保护使用法币的个人储蓄和贡献价值免受因经济不稳定而导致贬值的后果。

Our aim is not to compete with existing DeFi aggregators like Yearn Finance but to integrate them and give value to people who are financially underserved and living in unstable economies.

我们的目标不是与现有的DeFi聚合器(如Yearn Finance)竞争,而是将它们整合并为那些资产没有得到保护的,生活在不稳定经济环境中的人们提供价值。

We experienced 3 massive currency devaluations in the last 3 years in Nigeria and this is similar to different economies in the world with unstable economies. My mother and I belong to different cooperatives where we save and make monthly contributions(Esusu) to help one another in the cooperative. Realizing that despite? saving regularly, we were becoming poorer and losing more value for our money.


Jimmi:Thank you very much, Next question. Currency devaluation is a common problem faced by many African countries. Preventing currency devaluation has become an urgent need for African countries. We found your traditional solution on the medium: an Esusu system similar to a closed-end fund. As we understand, Xend moved this system to the blockchain, right?


Ugoaronu:Yes, Xend Finance is the first project to move traditional strategies like Esusu to the blockchain by leveraging DeFi.

是的,Xend Finance是第一个通过利用DeFi将Esusu传统经济合作社的策略转移到区块链的项目。

Jimmi:Ok, the third question is that compared with other products on the same track, such as Yearn.finance, what are the advantages of Xend? What can be the reason for users to choose Xend?


Ugoaronu:Our target audience is quite different from the existing DeFi audience. We target non-crypto users, financially underserved users and users in unstable economies that need their assets to be protected by any means necessary. We are the answers to their prayers.

首先是受众不同,我们的目标受众与现有的DeFi受众截然不同。 我们的目标客户是非加密用户,金融服务不足用户以及不稳定经济中需要通过必要手段保护其资产的用户, Xend Finance是他们祈祷的答案。

We also enable easy integration for software developers. We make life easy for software engineers by abstracting the complexity of building directly on the blockchain with our mobile and web SDKs. The SDKs make it easy for non-blockchain software engineers to plug into DeFi.

除此以外,我们还使软件开发人员可以轻松集成。 通过使用我们的移动端和Web SDK直接在区块链上构建复杂性Dapp,我们使软件工程师的工作变得轻松。 通过SDK,非区块链软件工程师也可以轻松使用构建DeFi Dapp。

Jimmi:Thank you very much for Aronu\’s answer. The different audiences and the SDK that facilitates developers to create Dapps will indeed be very eye-catching. Next, I want to ask some questions about tokens. Next question. Is XEND an ERC20 token or a BEP20 token?? We would like to know why you need to deploy contracts on the Binance Smart Chain and use the revenue pool on Ethereum?? What are the benefits of this?


Ugoaronu:$XEND is an ERC20. We are deploying Xend Finance mainnet on the Ethereum blockchain first because of the mature ecosystem of DeFi protocols currently running on the Ethereum blockchain. By leveraging this large ecosystem, we will be giving our users very high yields. We are also going to deploy on BSC mainnet to give our users access to very low gas fees, faster transactions and cross-chain functionalities.

XEND是ERC20。 由于当前在以太坊区块链上运行的DeFi协议是一个成熟的生态系统,我们首先在以太坊区块链上部署Xend Finance主网。 通过利用这个庞大的生态系统,将会为我们的用户带来很高的收益。 我们还将部署在BSC主网上,以使我们的用户能够以极低的gas费,更快的交易速度和跨链功能进行访问DeFi Dapp。

Jimmi:What are the functions of the native token XEND?


Ugoaronu:Crrently, the function of $XEND contains User Rewards、Fee Based Burns、Governance、Staking.

XEND 目前的功能主要有有用户奖励、费用燃烧、治理、质押这4个功能。

Jimmi:So, XEND is also a govermental token, What is the governance logic of the token XEND?? What conditions must be met to participate in governance?


Ugoaronu:Governance is exercised over certain parameters in the smart contract. A member must have up to 500,000 $XEND tokens to participate in governance.

当前治理可以对智能合约中的某些参数执行治理, 参与治理的条件是社区成员必须拥有大于500,000个 XEND代币才能进行投票。

Jimmi:Okay, thanks Aronu for the answer. Last but not least, DeFi also brings some risks in addition to the new ways of adding value to users. We would like to know whether Xend’s contract has been audited? Whether the contract has been cooperated with insurance projects? Is there a plan to ensure the security of smart contracts in the future, such as the development of HACKATHON and so on?


Ugoaronu:Our contract has been audited. Our contracts are also protected by Decentralized insurance to protect assets of users. We are going to be working on our developer community where we will organize bug bounties, hackathons etc to help improve the security of our protocol.

我们的合同已通过了审核。 我们的合约也受到去中心化保险项目的保护,以保护用户资产。 我们将在我们的开发人员社区中继续开展工作,在该社区中,我们也会将设立奖金,黑客马拉松等活动,以帮助提高协议的安全性。

Jimmi:Thanks to the guests for his wonderful sharing. Our first stage of the theme Q&A comes to an end, and then we enter the free Q&A stage. Group friends can freely ask questions to guests, and guests are free to choose 3-5 questions to answer. The small partners who are selected for the question will share a reward of 30U worth of XEND tokens. Then our freedom issue now begins:

感谢嘉宾的精彩分享,我们第一阶段的主题问答先告一段落,接下来进入自由问答阶段。群友可以对嘉宾自由提问,嘉宾自由选择其中3-5个问题进行回答。被选中问题的小伙伴,将会共同瓜分价值30USDT的XEND token奖励。那我们的自由问题环节现在开始:


@小仙女:What is the Esusu system mentioned many times?


Ugoaronu:So the Esusu System is a savings strategy that is very popular in the African local community where people contribute to a central pool per month and then the members of that pool take turns in receiving the total money in the pool per month


@Grace:Are the users of your Xend limited to Africa or areas that are underdeveloped?


Ugoaronu:Our users are not limited to Africa. Our users are global. From our testnet we had over 1500 users from 75 countries.


@椒盐皮皮虾:How are the tokens of XEND distributed and the token release model?


Ugoaronu:You can find all the information summarized here




@Nancy:When is Xend\’s public offering? How to participate? What are the requirements?


Ugoaronu:You can get all the information here




Jimmi:好的,今天的AMA就到这里结束了,再次感谢Aronu 的精彩分享,额外获奖的小伙伴可以私聊[email protected]小助手登记信息,谢谢大家积极参与!




BlockArk是一家加密资产行业的投资银行与市场营销机构,旗下管理专注加密货币一二级基金ArkStream Capital。




作者: bqxxw
